Introduction to The Accelerated Leadership Program
In today’s business world, Leadership is just not the word for managers but it is the ability to seize opportunities and lead people and organizations to greatness. Leadership can be described as a very “Disciplined Passion”. It is full of excitement and fun but also, exhausting, stressful, and rigorous. But right leadership qualities have a great strength of influence.
Many think that if management (Manager) and leadership are the same. Simply to state difference between these two: Management (Manager) is about assuring that objectives of the organization implemented. Whereas Leadership is about setting the right direction and motivating people, thus impacting on the performance of the organization and retaining the right people.
Major Competencies to Focus:
A] Understand the framework of leadership styles
B] Connect departmental goals to the Organization’s Vision and Mission
C] Developing own leadership style- be a Mentor, Coach, consultant
D] Improve decision-making skills- Solve the problems/Find a solution/Avoid Conflicts
Program Framework

A semi-structured approach with a focus on learning by doing will be followed. This will include concept sessions, diagnostic instruments, unstructured and structured group discussions, management games, role plays, and case study analyses.