Career Enhancement Coaching Program

Introduction to “The CECP”: Every working human being is always looking for a better career opportunity and we all need it for emotional and rational reasons. Perhaps, we must have better opportunities in hand after a regular interval. Its lot more depends on a structured approach for knowing your industry and other industries and your capabilities. Most importantly finding the right platform to present and get selected. Finding a Job is also a JOB.

Our Approach will be

Our process to achieve this

O: Opportunity Assessment

S: Solution Implementation

S: Successful Shift

Each process step has Tasks to be achieved and which you can complete while working on other things. CECP is to reduce your job search time.

Current Challenges by Job Searcher.

1. How and where to search a Job.
2. Pursuing wrong Job title, wrong person or employer results into low productivity.
3. Searching a Job without a plan and not winning day to day Task.
4. Repeated rejections, going unnoticed can result into anger, depression and anxiety.
5. Waiting for call from recruiter, employer, or known person leads to procrastination and hence delayed results.
6. Loosing Job or frequent rejection or under performance in current job lowering your confidence.
7. Accepting the right offer

And so on may be many other challenges. To overcome these challenges, we have designed a rigorous process with multiple tasks.

Tools and Methodologies:

1. First step First: Gathering essential information before the start of your searches like your current industry, financial aspiration, and goals, emotional or rational barriers, an overview of 5 days session plan, and current situation demand.
2. Tasks what it Takes: Being your own competition and overcoming with your fear is as good as half-game won. So be ready and complete all tasks, in the end, you will be “The Winner”.
3. Mirror- Mirror: A good resume is a Mirror. It should showcase what you are and it should be interesting enough to help get noticed.
4. Being online: Setting up and branding your professional online profiles. Improve your visibility and professional credentials through various channels.
5. Job search: Finding leads through effective networking, identifying Recruiters, Using identified agencies.
6. Getting you ready for the interview.

How it works:

1. Once registered and online payments, the schedule will be shared with Coachee.
2. Coaching Sessions will be conducted via WhatsApp, Skype, or Zoom app (Preferred)
3. Coaching Sessions: 5 days- 1 Hour/2 Hour (One on One coaching only)
4. Coaching Task: To be completed by Coachee in the gap of every session i.e. 2 days
5. Detailed Summary will be shared end of 5 days Coaching session as a reference guide for the future.